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A timely song about right living in view of Jesus' Second Coming.

Accompanied by
Irene Mederos
Sabrina Richard
Bonita Johnson

Get ready for Jesus' return. Live holy and right. Timely message for living in prophetic times.


(Chorus - a capella)
The things of this world are winding down a lot
You’ve got to be ready to be on God’s Time Clock
They say its better late than never to do what you need done
But ya better get ready now, or you will miss the SON.

Repeat Chorus (sung)

If you’re listening to the radio or watching the TV
Well, it seems like everybody is on a killing spree
Since the news you’re listening to doesn’t do you any good
Just open up your Bible, start doing what you should


Cleaning off the kitchen table and mopping up the floor
Getting everybody ready to be on out that door
Everybody’s in a hurry, everybody’s in a rush
Whatever you do daily, in God you put your trust.

For the.. (Chorus)


The war isn’t over, its only just begun
Fighting battles in the Spirit for souls to be won
Go out and find the lost sheep, the one who needs you most
Preach the Word with a surety, be filled with the Holy Ghost.


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