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ENE Yatt is the name of a talented Afrobeats duo based in Ghana and Nigeria. Their newest release ‘’Kwere’’ is made in collaboration with the well-known Ghanaian rapper Lyrical Joe and is an Afrobeat vibe-along kind of song. It speaks about love, bond and describes loving someone in a special way that you can go that extra mile for them. Love requires patience, love requires tolerance and in this body of work ENE Yatt painted all that in music and lyrics. ‘’Kwere’’, which means ‘’Agree’’, was inspired by being in that space where you find someone you love and want to be with and you will do anything to make them see that you truly care about them, and all you do every minute you get is show them, either by action or by words of mouth, but the action always comes in. ENE Yatt believes love is a beautiful thing and if we showed love more the world would be a better place. When you love someone always make sure you tell them because you never know! They may love you back too. Enjoy ‘’Kwere’’!

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