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Creative collaboration between Argentinian Mauro Elias and Australian Paul Louis Villani

كلمات الاغنية

As my mind begins to fade
Memories cling to weary bones
Time's cruel embrace raids
Leaving shadows where light shone

Laughter sounds in echoes past
Once vibrant hearts now so tired
Moments too fleeting to last
In the grip of time's fury

Aching bones and frail skin
Once strong limbs now feeble
Life's vigour wearing thin
In the grip of a world so bleak

Eyes that once sparkled bright
Now dimmed by the weight of years
Visions of the past take flight
Leaving behind a world of tears

Eternal night, a love undone
Beneath the moon, we come undone
In this darkness, we're forever one

A tragic tale that's just begun
Bound by our twisted desires
We embrace the pain that sets us free
Into the void we go together

Now the colors start to fade
Like an old picture's decay
Lost in a world that has turned grey
Longing for my yesterday

The good old days we miss
When life was filled with bliss
Now trapped in a dull today
Yearning for the days gone by

Eternal night, a love undone
Beneath the moon, we come undone
In this darkness, we're forever one

A tragic tale that's just begun
Bound by our twisted desires
We embrace the pain that sets us free
Into the void we go together

Angry with time, I bitterly rue
For stealing moments, precious and true

Oh, fleeting hours, why must you betray
Snatching joyous times, forever away?

Now the world turns monochrome
As time strips away the hues
Leaving us to roam in here
In an endless desert realm

Aged souls seek solace
In the memories we hold dear
As the world turns to black
We accept death's cold embrace

Whispered vows, a lifelong dance
Now fading echoes in the night
Together, we step into the unknown
Guided by love's celestial light

As the years waltz hand in hand
Our love, weathered and true
We face the final curtain's call
With hearts entwined, saying goodbye

Aching bones and frail skin
Once strong limbs now feeble
Life's vigour wearing thin
In the grip of a world so bleak

Eyes that once sparkled bright
Now dimmed by the weight of years
Visions of the past take flight
Leaving behind a world of tears

Eternal night, a love undone
Beneath the moon, we come undone
In this darkness, we're forever one

A tragic tale that's just begun
Bound by our twisted desires
We embrace the pain that sets us free
Into the void we go together

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