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This is not about the sun but the son that shines so bright

The son is shinning
like it ort to be
I'm gonna get my guitar
and write me a song
about the world
bring thy peace in hand
save my money
for a rainy day
take the world in unity
when my money goes
to charity church services
serving creation
for a better life
and the only way

The son is shinning
like it ort to be
I'm gonna get my guitar
and play me the
reggae music
sing me a song
gospel power
makes me shiver inside
blues feeling
makes me play all the time
soul music makes me
shiver again
because the word
and music is in
my ear today

The son is shinning
what a lovely day
i gonna preach
to stop all wars
bring justice to this world
feed a Ethiopian
that is in hunger today
solve all problems
that none could ever do
and if it rains I'm gonna
play me a song anyway.

The son is shinning
like it ort to be
I'm gonna
write me a song
about the world
bring thy peace in hand
save my money
for a rainy day
so the world will live in peace
when my money goes
to charity church services
serving creation
for a better life
and the only way.

(C) 2000 -- 2021

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