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Grimy bass and guitars, and boombastic drums create the backdrop for this brilliant spoken word performance of a man loving his relationship with his woman, liking it to Christmas presents everyday.


Everyday Is Christmas

Everyone gets excited for Christmas,
Spending time with loved ones
And receiving gifts,
But for me,
There’s nothing special
About December 25th,
When I have your love
The gift that keeps giving
Like water from a fountain.
Love has moved this mountain
Right into my life,
And every day
I experience new heights,
As I climb peaks
That we experience together,
Weathering storms
And embracing the calm.
From January first
To New Year’s Eve,
Every day in between
Feels like Christmas to me,
When you receive the gift of love
From the one you want,
Packaging yours,
And hiding it for her to find
Like an elf on the shelf,
New places to hide and seek,
Daily reminders
Of the love shared between
Two people,
Who don’t need valentines
Or Christmas Day,
To say I love you,
When they show it
Every day.

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