Spot On Delivery

· 1 year тому назад в Classic / Alternative / Contemporary, в альбоме: Sea of Green
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Hello Radio Listeners - We are unknown, unheard of, unheralded songwriters from Fayetteville, NC who have gifts of creating music and joining note to syllable. Our goal is to bring wholesome original music to the Public that can be enjoyed for a lifetime. Spot on Delivery is the ultimate just in time, spot on arrival of pleasure captivating all who participate. Where's the spot? Hit the spot. . .
Joey Okrie - Music, production
Mark Holman - Lyrics, vocals, production

Текст песни

Spot On Delivery
There she is. I must be me.
Tell it like it is. Spot-on delivery
You guessed it. It’s true. I want to give you something new.
Spot on delivery Spot on delivery
Why give your time to waste on someone who will fail?
Why would you try to taste water from an empty pail?
Adventures in my pocket unfettered and unchained
Unbridled ecstasy can be a hurricane.
Spot on delivery is an eternity when there is love
When there is love, . . .(break)

Why would you give your time?
Why would you try to taste?
Adventures in my pocket unfettered and unchained
Unbridled ecstasy can be a hurricane.
Spot on delivery is an eternity when there is love
When there is love, . . .

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